Sierra Designs Drizone Down Booties$70Verdict: Good Enough!Sure, down booties may look a little silly, but theyre usually too comfy for that to matter. Pry off your frozen boots in camp after a long day snowshoeing or hut touring, and youll be Cartier replica watches glad you tossed a pair into your pack. They are like hot chocolate for your feet. Mmmmm.Quick backgrounder -- Some booties have thin fabric soles to make them more packable. Others have thick, luggier outsoles so you can walk around camp in the snow.
The Sierra Designs Drizone Down Booties are somewhere in between -- with a thin sole, they are not the most compressible booties on the market, and not the grippiest, but they are quite comfortable on rocky terrain and as cozy as youll need them to be. The insulation is 700-fill (60 percent down, the rest is feathers), and it proved warm enough replica watch gift while we were winter gear testing up on a local peak in breezy, 25 degree conditions. The booties are wrapped in a reliable waterproof-breathable membrane, which is essential for tromping around in snow or kicking it in a drippy snow cave.
The sole is a flat, 1/2-inch-thick slab of EVA foam, the same material thats in your running shoes. It allows you to walk in rougher terrain than you might in sole-less booties. That was especially appreciated where the snow was crusty, or where there were Replica Audemars Piguet watches some dirt or rocks in the mix. (The light soles also help these booties cross over into cold weather car camping, and—lets be honest—shuffling out the door to get the in the morning). If youre looking for traction, you wont find much on any down bootie. Theres usually little need, and this helps keep the booties lighter and more packable.